Kawaikini Canoe Club is an Outrigger Canoe Club on Kauai. The members meet at the Wailua River for Recreational and Competitive canoeing 3 days a week. Our group is preparing for the summer GICRA regattas, while some are just "cruising" along while being very supportive of the competitive side of the club.
Driving DirectionsFrom Lihue Airport travel Kuhio Hwy. 56 toward Kapa'a. Turn left on Kuamoo Rd. Take the immediate first left park at the end next to the restrooms. Walk to the end of the park, you will see the outrigger canoes under the tents.
History of Kawaikini Canoe Club
Most questions are covered on this web
site so please browse, but if you need help please feel free to call
Abi at 808-346-7027 or email at
2826 Upena St. Lihue, HI 96766